KLIK green - Hospitals meet Climate Protection
Qualify climate managers, reduce CO2-emissions
Project Description

KLIK green project empowers German hospitals and rehabilitation-clinics to actively support climate protection. In this context, KLIK green, first and foremost, pursues the goals of:
- Encouraging 250 respective health institutions to participate in the project. The participating clinics are going to be merged into a unique network of ambassadors for climate protection in the German health sector,
- Eliminating 100,000 tons of CO2-equivalents within three years by extensively and sustainably reducing the consumption of energy, materials, and resources.
More broadly, KLIK green’s long-term objectives seek to:
- integrate the term “planetary health” into the education of health professions,
- contribute to a CO2-neutral health sector by the year 2050,
- establish and reinforce the role of climate managers as an acknowledged occupational group in health care.
The project receives financial support from the National Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety . Therefore, KLIK green may be seen as a direct contributor to the Climate Action Plan 2050.
Running since 1 May 2019, KLIK green will be finished on 30 April 2022. In the meantime, the project is divided into a kick-off-phase (already completed) and complementary, alternately repeated phases of acquisition as well as qualification and implementation.