Project Flow and Requirements

As a first step in the overall process, hospitals and rehabilitation-clinics are asked to register.

Before suggesting a clinic employee as a climate manager, each interested institution completes a questionnaire regarding mainly the areas energy, waste- and resource management, mobility, procurement and catering. The questions are meant to estimate and to capture:

  • current consumption data,
  • general conditions at the respective locations relevant to consumption,
  • existing climate protection measures, if already taking place,
  • first attempts to estimate own saving potentials.

In the likely case of a positive evaluation of the questionnaire, an agreement is signed and the qualification as well as implementation phases may begin. 

Within the framework of the project, workshops and training courses will be organized in Jena, Düsseldorf and Berlin. Each climate manager will take part in three workshops and one training course with a duration of three days.

More exactly, KLIK green offers regional kick-off workshops to help clinic staff to get started. In this context, specific climate targets are defined. The next meeting on the project schedule connects to that insofar as the practical climate protection measures are presented by specialists in the relevant fields. Those training courses serve as a deepening of the various contents addressed by the project such as sustainable mobility, large-scale catering facilities or procurement. 

Additionally, KLIK green organizes thematic workshops and regional final workshops. 

Apart from the ongoing qualifications that constitute the architecture of the project, KLIK green carried out two uniquely taking place events in the past:

  • the general project kick-off for clinics, multipliers and press
  • a seminar for the clinic management.

The latter was meant to guarantee the support of the executive level of participating institutions. Climate protection only functions in clinics if sustainability exists as a corporate goal. Both dates were arranged as day-long events and took place in Berlin.

Basically, all German acute clinics as well as specialized clinics and rehabilitation-clinics are eligible to participate in KLIK green project. Besides general framework conditions such as staff qualifications exemption and the willingness to implement climate protection measures, it is particularly important that interested clinics possess an energy saving potential of around ten percent.

The future climate managers may for instance hold a position in the departments of administration, engineering, quality management, controlling or IT. If the climate manager has a say in clinic decisions and responsibility for employees, this will certainly help to take measures. But more importantly, the climate manager should have access to all internal departments, trusting networks and a high affinity for climate protection. KLIK green strongly encourages nursing staff to assume the role of the climate manager as well.